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In General

Located 260 m above sea level, Santiago has an oceanic climate with mild, non-extreme temperatures. 

It is a convenient city for pedestrians and you can reach practically all places of interest on foot. Strolling around the old town is an immersive experience. It is important to look up, focussing on the details and not just the big picture because its doors, door knockers, drainpipes, gargoyles, fountains, chimneys, street names, etc., form part of an artistic-historic ensemble carved in stone for ever and ever.

There is a lively atmosphere day and night since Santiago is a university and administrative city. Don’t hesitate to ask the locals for any kind of help you may need: Galicians are very hospitable, helpful and friendly with everyone by nature.

Santiago is a safe and healthy city. You don’t need to take any special measures to walk about its streets. If you do experience any health or safety issues, you just have to call the emergency telephone number 112 to receive help.

The official currency is the euro and it’s advisable to carry some cash with you for minor purchases. Cash dispensers and the normal services you would expect in any European city are available throughout the city. Debit and credit cards are readily accepted, although minor purchases may require payment in cash.

As in the rest of Spain, shops generally open from 9 or 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 to 8 pm, although large shopping centres are open from 10 am to 10 pm and don’t close at lunchtime.

If you want to practice your Spanish in Galicia, take into account that we also speak the local Galician language. We commonly speak a mixture of both languages or alternate between one and the other without realising it, so don’t be surprised if you hear the odd word that you are not familiar with.

Here is a list of FAQS (frequently asked questions) that may arise during your visit to the city: http://www.santiagoturismo.com/faqs